As a institution dedicated to the conservation and promotion of historical sources, the Turati Foundation is part of national and international bodies, among which the IALHI (International Association of Labour History Institutions), the ICA (International Council on Archives) – Category C, and the ANAI (Associazione nazionale archivistica italiana). The Foundation furthermore works together with public and private institutions, Italian as well as international, such as the Central Archives of the State, the Archivio di Stato di Firenze (the repository for the public records and archives of the city of Florence, the National Central Library of Florence, the archivist authority of Tuscany, and local bodies and important institutions in the field of historical research.
General information and regulations for consulting the archives
The Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies allows academics and researchers free access to its archives, provided a written request is made to the director, who will confirm when the visit can take place. The request needs to contain:
– indication of the research subject;
– preferred dates and times to visit;
– the commitment to hand the archives a copy of the work(s) in which the consulted documents are utilised/cited;
– a disclaimer in which the user assumes responsibility for any civil or legal damages to persons and/or organisations that may occur as the result of the dissemination of information contained within the consulted materials.
For organisational reasons, it is not possible for students who are completing their dissertation to be granted access.
The archives are open for public use on appointment. The opening hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 12:30, and Wednesdays afternoon from 14:00 to 17:00.
The consultation of materials is permitted according to the regulations in force at the offices of the Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies (via M. Buonarroti, 13 – 50122 Florence).
Rules for consulting the archives (in Italian)
The collection
he Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies offers users an enormously valuable archive, which it is dedicated to developing further for the public good, also with the aid of information technology. On its own or in partnership with the Sandro Pertini study and documentation centre“, the foundation has an archives consisting of around 4,000 boxes taking up a total of 700 linear meters.
LIST OF COLLECTIONS (Please note all links are in Italian)
I. Institutional collections
Italian socialist party archives. Secretarial and directional charter (1944-1994):
1. Party assets and socialist movement
2. Audiovisual, photographical, and iconographical archives
II. Collections of noteworthy personalities
Sandro Pertini collection (1896-1990)
Giuseppe Saragat collection (1898-1988)
Filippo Turati collection (1857-1932)
Ignazio Silone collection (1900-1978)
Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976) and Enrico Bassi collection (1896-1986)
Ludovico D’Aragona collection (1876-1961)
Gaetano Arfè collection (1925-2007)
Giacomo Matteotti collection (1885-1924)
Riccardo Lombardi collection (1901-1984)
Emilio Agazzi collection (1921-1991)
Mario Zagari collection (1913-1996)
Giovanni Pieraccini collection (1918-2017)
Giuliano Vassalli collection (1915-2009)
III. Personal boxes
The personal boxes preserved belong to political leaders, active between the 19th century and the fascist era, among whom Argentina Altobelli, Camillo Biserni-Anita Cenni, Alceste Della Seta, Enrico Ferri, Udo Forlani, Gaetano Pilati, Giacinto Menotti Serrati; exponents of the antifascist emigration like Giuseppe Faravelli, Olindo Gorni, Bianca Pittoni; of the Resistance movement like Arialdo Banfi, Corrado Bonfantini, Mario Coli, Eugenio Dugoni, Eugenio Ferro, Lelio Porzio; of the the period after WWII like Enrico Bassi, Mauro Ferri, Lelio Lagorio, Alessandro Menchinelli, Paolo Treves, Venerio Cattani and of politics and culture like Emilio Agazzi, Luciano Della Mea, Carlo Pucci, Elio Conti, Renzo Ricchi, Giuseppe La Ganga, Carlo Carli, Massimo Bogianckino, Luigi and Pier Paolo Fano and Livio Labor.
A HISTORICAL PRECEDENT (click on title for link, in Italian)
Description of assets
Below the list of archives that make up the patrimony of the Filippo Turati Foundation, divided into eight thematic section. The dates indicated on the side of each line refer to the time period covered by the archival material, and not the life dates of persons or the overall activities of institutions.
In this section scholars can find information regarding the composition of the archives, such as biographical details of individuals or information regarding organizations whose boxes have been preserved in addition to a bibliography and archival description (in Italian). Moreover, to facilitate the work of users it is possible to download a summarization in PDF format. The inventory of materials marked with an asterix (*) can be consulted directly online. In parentheses the chronological details of the materials preserved related to each line.
Click on each link for more detailed information (in Italian)
Guide to bibliographical abbreviations
Associazione di cultura politica (ACPOL) – Movimento politico dei lavoratori (MPL) (1969-1973);
Movimento giovanile socialista (MGS) – Federazione dei giovani socialisti (FGS) (1944-1996);
Italian Socialist Party (PSI)-National movement (1946-1994) and aggregated archives;
Italian Democratic Socialist Party (PSDI)-National movement (1951-1967);
PSI-Florentine committee (1973-1986).
Biserni Camillo-Cenni Anita (1889-1956);
Della Seta Alceste (1908-1940);
Ferri Enrico (1876-1927);
Forlani Udo (1899-1928);
Matteotti Giacomo (1803-1999);
Pilati Gaetano (1900-1925; 1928-1999);
Serrati Giacinto Menotti (1902-1926);
Treves Claudio (1895-1980);
Turati Filippo (1866-1932).
Altobelli Argentina (1889-1942);
D’Aragona Ludovico (1902-1961).
Faravelli Giuseppe (1910-1971);
Gorni Olindo (1927-1944);
Pittoni Bianca (1907-1897) – Antonioletti Liuba (1928-1963) aggregated archives.
Banfi Arialdo (1944-1995);
Bonfantini Corrado (1899-1987);
Coli Mario (1902-1981);
Dugoni Eugenio (1913-1968); (*)
Ferro Giovanni (1909-1999);
Porzio Lelio (1920-1976);
Bassi Enrico (1918-1985);
Ferri Mauro (1921-1978);
Lagorio Lelio (1922-1994);
Lombardi Riccardo (1923-1984); (*)
Menchinelli Alessandro (1944-1976);
Pertini Alessandro (1900-1990);
Saragat Giuseppe (1954-1988);
Treves Paolo (1915-1958);
Zagari Mario (1933-1996).
Agazzi Emilio (1938-1988);
Arfè Gaetano (1944-1992);
Conti Elio (1919-1931);
Della Mea Luciano (1940-2003);
Luzzatto Guido Ludovico (1917-1990) – from 2009 at the Fondazione Luzzatto (MI);
Mondolfo Rodolfo (1900-1939);
Mondolfo Ugo Guido (1945-1956);
Pucci Carlo (1892-1918);
Silone Ignazio (1927-1978).
At the side of these archival materials, which are continuously incrementing thanks to new consignments and donations, are other assorted materials. The Foundation in fact since the 80s preserves numerous high-quality core documents of diverse origin. Some materials are related to socialist organisations, associations, and political movements, or to private materials of socialist representatives, covering a period ranging from the second half of the 19th century to today.
The photographical collections related to political and social episodes of the beginning of the 20th century, or to resistance moments, or to student and union protests and demonstrations of the 70s and 90s also have a miscellaneous character.
The Foundation furthermore records its own conferences and those of the Istituto socialista di studi storici. In this last section, finally, the vast collection of manifests produced over time by the national movement of the PSI and related partisan and socialist movements can be found.
1. Antifascist emigration to Switzerland (1920-1940)
2. Labour and socialist movement in Tuscany (1883-1995)
3. Labour and socialist movement in Italy (1944-1995)
4. Student and extraparliamentary leftist movement in Tuscany (1968-1978)
5. Provincial federations and sections of PSI (1950-1994)
6. Foreign political organisations: SFIO (1950-1988)
7. Foreign political organisations: UGT (1947-1971)
8. Manifesto’s
9. Flags and symbols
10. Photographs
11. Audiovisual materials
To these records are added the multimedia and audiovisual materials that are preserved digitally (CD-Rom e DVD Rom), and that make up part of the Sandro Pertini exhibition centre and virtual museum and which are available to visitors and scholars on a dedicated website.
Latest acquisitions
The Foundation has recently acquired the documents and materials of Giuliano Vassalli, Giovanni Pieraccini, Venerio Cattani, Carlo Carli, Luigi and Pier Paolo Fano, Livio Labor.
Online inventories
The following documentary materials can be consulted online:
– Eugenio Dugoni fund
– Riccardo Lombardi fund
The archival materials and periodicals are for the exclusive use of the Foundation, in the context of its scientific research and publishing work.
Other links can be found in the section USEFUL LINKS