
Reading room

The library, opened in 1977, patrimony of the Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies since its establishment in 1985, houses circa 115,000 books, and collects 5,170 past periodicals and 150 current periodicals. As a collection of great value, it specializes in political culture and social history, and is dedicated to the preservation of sources belonging to representatives of Italian political life and culture, such as Agazzi, Arfé, Bassi, D’Aragona, Della Mea, Di Nolfo, Finocchiaro, Lombardi, Mondolfo, Saragat, Silone, Zagari. The library acts as a public service since many years, putting its catalogue and study room at the disposition of scholars and researchers. In February 2015 the library acquired the literary collection of Sandro Pertini, consisting of more than 12,000 titles. The librarian is Dr. Rebecca Bini. The library makes use of two digitized catalogues: the first, linked to the SBN (Servizio bibliotecario nazionale), On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of the BCNF (National Central Library of Florence), active since 2003, is the only one in which the current volumes and periodicals are situated; the second, not updated since 2004, transferred to the SDIAF (Sistema Documentario Integrato dell’Area Fiorentina), consists of circa 28,000 titles. The paper catalogue, which can be consulted in the library, has not been updated since 1992.


Arfè library

Access route: “ricerca base”, apply search filters “biblioteca”, and choose “Biblioteca Fondazione Turati” from the drop-down menu.

Further information can be found under the USEFUL LINKS section

Admission policy
Students and researchers are admitted entry to the library upon request. Access is granted upon demonstration of documents related to professional or research activity.
First-time users are requested to complete a form that discloses identity, place of residence, and subject and purpose of research.
Opening hours
The library is open from Tuesday to Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00 and Tuesday and  Thursday afternoons from 14:00 to 16:00, on appointment. It is closed during public holidays and the entire month of August.

Library rules
Study room access
Users admitted to the study room are expected to adhere to the following rules:
a) It is fordbidden to bring bags, briefcases, containers, and mobile phones into the study room;
b) It is also forbidden to mark or deface consulted materials;
c) It is not allowed to withdraw works from shelves or displays. In this case, it is necessary to inquire with the appropriate staff;
d) It is not allowed to remain within the study room for unrelated purposes.
Consulting library materials
Every user can request two works at a time, up to a maximum of four. Once returned, it is possible to request two other works. Books received for consultation can be kept for no more than three days. Requests need to be done via designated forms, available in the study room.
It is possible to make a limited amount of photocopies, depending on the condition of the consulted materials and copyright laws.

Interlibrary loan service is available with libraries who subscribe to this service. If postage is necessary, the costs will be paid by the user making the request.

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