The vicepresident of the Senate, senator Rosa Maria Di Giorgi
those interested to the presentation of
L’età delle donne. Saggio su Anna Kuliscioff
by Maurizio Degl’Innocenti
(Lacaita Editore, 2017)
Rome, Senate of the Republic, Sala dei Caduti di Nassirya
30 November 2017, 15:00
Sen. Emma Fattorini
Fiorenza Taricone (University of Cassino)
Michela Minesso (University of Milan)
Luigi Tomassini (University of Bologna)
The author will be present

Portrait of Anna Kuliscioff (property of the Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies) from Popote, Paris
The appearance of women on the public scene in the Western world between the 19th and 20th century was one of the most significant aspects of the historical turning point set in motion by the emergence of mass society, the second industrial revolution, and urbanism. The widening of citizenship put female participation in politics, until that time strictly reserved to men, at the order of the day.
Reconstructing the lives of the protagonists of those days takes us into the heart of problems that are still relevant today, and is testimony of a complex process of emancipation that is far from finished, and that touches upon the role and image of women in society and family, public and private; on economic independence and professional life; on reconciling work and motherhood; on the politics of safeguarding and welfare, also in light of new individual and social needs; and on the network of relationships and political activism.
A narrative of freedom, the emancipation of women has become an essential standard of democracy in contemporary society.
Our guide in this complex subject matter is the biography of Anna Kuliscioff, one of the symbolic figures of that era because of her extraordinary social and political engagement, and her great personality and authority: a free woman.
Access to the event, with appropriate dress, and, for men, suit and a tie, is allowed until full capacity is reached. The opinions and contents expressed during the presentation are the sole responsibility of their proponents and the speakers, and are in no way attributable to the Senate of the Republic and any of its other organs.
Participants are invited to communicate their names to the Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies before Wednesday the 29th of November, 12:00.